
2025 Membership Rates

Adult Membership (ages 18 and over) - $250 each

Child Membership (ages 17 and under) - $100 each

Registration for the 2025 season will open at the end of March 2025.

Regina Motocross Club Rules and Regulations

  1. As a rider with a membership, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE to ensure spectators that you bring to the track (spouses, kids, or other family or friends) sign the waiver before coming to the property. Everyone of ALL ages must sign the wavier before entering the Moto Valley Raceway property. 
  2. The facility is for use by MOTORCYCLE ONLY. No go-karts, snowmobiles, 4x4s, or any other type of vehicle is permitted on the track or grounds. Anyone using anything other than a motorcycle on the track should be politely asked to leave. If they do not, notify the RCMP (the person is trespassing).
  3. Ride at your own risk; your safety is your responsibility. NEVER RIDE ALONE.
  4. Keep a positive attitude – help promote the sport of off road motorcycling on and off the track.
  5. Help maintain a clean and safe riding area. Dispose of waste products (used oil, garbage, parts, etc.) in marked bins.
  6. Respect the property and notify the club board members of any vandalism or destruction of property.
  7. Ride with common sense on and off the track. Always watch out for other riders.
    • Never ride backwards on the track
    • Hold your line when faster riders are approaching you, they will go around. Do not try to move out of their way, you will only cause a collision
    • Never stop on the track, especially around jumps. Pull off the track
    • Make sure there are no other riders near you before pulling off the track. If you must pull off in the presence of other riders, slow down and raise an arm to signal them that you are slowing. Do not pull off in front of oncoming riders
    • Do not ride beyond your abilities. Develop your skills with experience.
    • Ride at walking speed only in the pit area. People go to the pits to rest and/or work on their bikes, not to get roosted on and covered in dust
  8. The Pee Wee track is restricted to motorcycles 100c and smaller.
  9. Assist and be courteous to fellow riders and guests. You are responsible for people you bring/invite to the track, and will be held responsible for their actions.
  10. Behave in a sportsmanlike manner at all times.
  11. Always wear proper protective gear. ABSOLUTELY NO RIDING WITHOUT A HELMET.
  12. Riding on the track while it is being groomed and maintained is prohibited. Be aware of changes to the track (new changes or obstacle under construction). Always take a slow lap or walk the track prior to riding at full speed
  13. The facility is surrounded by pastureland. Be courteous to the other leaseholders, a do not bother the animals
  14. Absolutely no alcohol will be tolerated before or while operating a motorcycle.
  15. Unless street legal and properly licensed, bike may NOT be ridden to and from the facility
  16. For safety and liability, lock the gate behind you when you enter. If you are the last one to leave, please lock the gate then as well.
  17. Children under 16 must be supervised by an adult